
Love of photos

We recently had our maternity pictures taken by Rhema Faith Photography. Rhema is a very talented lady and I just adore her. Here are just a few of what we have. Lil Peanut who has now been upgraded to Big Peanut had a great time as well. The lighting was perfect, the weather was perfect, the memory of it is perfect. Here are a few to enjoy. 


Proud Momma

Lately we have been enjoying what sunny days we can get. It's been a treat in between all the rainy days. Lil Peanut is in full spring action exploring the backyard and catching bugs. We have been working with him on riding his bike. The Spidey bike is ready for his attention this summer. This proud momma is excited to say he can pedal by himself and can go a pretty long stretch without getting tired. I'll never forget how dang excited he was. He just repeating how proud he was of himself while jumping up and down with a big grin. Truly a memory I'll never forget. Being his momma is the best ;)


Gender Reveal :)

This past weekend or so we had our gender reveal party just for the parents. Only the fam bam know and a few close friends. I have to say we couldn't be happier about our lil peanut to come!


Easter fun with the fam bam ;)

We had an amazing time this Easter. It was a great day spent with family and we really took time to reflect on where we want to go from here forward in life. We trusted in the Lord to take our burdens and felt lighter at the end of the day. It was remarkable. Lil Peanut had a blast with his Easter Egg Hunt. Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. 


Just one day at a time

It really is March already. Unbelievable. I am loving the warmer weather, and summer just around the corner, and with that comes Baby #2. Yes thats right we are expecting Baby McCarty in August and couldn't be more excited :) This week I am officially half way there at 20 Weeks and really starting to show it. Positive this is a huge reason why I've been so busy. From morning sickness and all day nausea, to placenta previa in the first trimester and light bed rest. Not to mention being a stay-at-home momma to Lil Peanut my days have been busy. Just one day at a time is how were handling the crazy busy life of getting ready for another Lil Peanut. 


Valentine DIY

I was going through my pictures to try and catch up the blog and I came across pictures I took of the fun valentines Lil Peanut and I made for his classmates. I thought I would share the project with y'all. I loved this idea because it wasn't sugar overload candy nor did I have to worry about food allergies.

Lil Peanut gave out a box of Crayolas. Everyone could enjoy them and it was very affordable. Here was the finished product! 

1. Get your supplies. Crayolas, construction paper, markers, scissors, ruler, and tape. 

2. I measured and cut the strips of construction paper to fit on the box where I wanted it. 

3. I had Lil Peanut tape the paper on to the boxes. 

4. I wrote the saying on each crayola box.

5. I had Lil Peanut color in the word "color" and hearts different colors. 

6. Most importantly have fun with it. And kiddo could help with this project. Just get creative!


Busy February!

It really had been a blast being able to stay at home this month. Being new to this stay-at-home mom thing I am finding myself looking for daily activities, and ideas to keep my busy Lil Peanut entertained. I cannot wait for warmer weather to get here! Entertaining indoors is a challenge at times. If anyone reading this has any great ideas I'd love to hear from you. Here are just a few pictures of what we've been up to.