
Zoo Lites

This past weekend decided to get into a new family tradition and we took Lil Peanut to the Denver Zoo's Zoo Lights. It was a really neat event they put on. There were thousands of trees lit up with twinkle lights, and they had tons of animals made from lights. You could walk through some, they had them hanging in the trees. Overall it was a really great experience!


Christmas Party

Lil Peanut had a school Christmas party last week and I have to say I have never seen Lil Peanut on such a sugar high from the Christmas cookies. It was fun because Mimi was able to come and visit too! The kiddos saw Santa, and played with their friends. 
Love this time of year!


iPhone photos I love

Happy December everyone! Lil Peanut and I have been very busy this holiday season; we've shopped till we dropped, baked cookies, and decorated. Here are some pictures I love this week.